There was a rich recorded history amongst the ancient South American civilisations which unfortunately was destroyed by the Spanish Conquistadors, after their invasion of 1532, as it was considered heretical. Some of the Spanish travellers did record the traditions of the local people before they disappeared and it is largely from these writings that conclusions about the ancient civilisations are drawn.

These accounts tell us that there was a very advanced road system, 3600 km along the coast and a parallel one along the Andes, paved and with features including tunnels and suspension bridges. These roads in fact sped up their downfall as they facilitated the rapid movement of Spanish troops.

The Inca civilisation worshipped a white god Viracocha (which means 'Foam of the Sea) which is said to predate their civilisation. The temple of Viracocha at Cuzco (or rather what remains of it under a later Spanish Cathedral) is also made of large blocks. The early accounts say that a statue of the god once stood on this site which clearly depicted someone of European appearance with a beard. This is clearly not a local characteristic as native South American's do not have facial hair. This also played a part in the downfall of the Inca's as they thought the arriving Spanish were their returning god and his demigods.

Whilst not always called Viracocha, all the ancient Andean civilisations feature a similar white god who arrived after a great flood when their society was in chaos. The names include Kon Tiki, Con Ticci, Con. Huaracocha, Thunupa, Taapac ,Tupaca and Illa He. This individual is always depicted as doing large works, wall building, water channels, terracing etc. , and was also said to be a healer. Also, when threatened, he was said to have a weapon of heavenly fire. Was this some sort of firearm, centuries before they were invented.

These legends seem to indicate a prehistoric European visit to the South Americas following a flood. Could this reflect a survivor of an 'Atlantean' type disaster.

Other evidence of early transoceanic contact comes from large heads carved by the Olmecs. The faces of these statues have very flat wide noses and large lips which are distinctive features of some African races. .

Whilst largely based on second hand accounts and difficult to date, this evidence does seem to support theories of an early advanced civilisation that travelled the worlds oceans.